
Glarner Wirtschaftsarchiv

Glarner Wirtschaftsarchiv, Schwanden GL

Historical in content - contemporary in message - modern in presentation.

Historical in content - topical in message - modern in presentation.
Here you can find out more about the early industrialization of the canton of Glarus and trade relations far beyond the borders of this small mountain canton.

The Glarus Economic Archive collects company archives, processes them, researches them and presents the trouvailles in the time-honored premises of the former Blumer textile printing works in Schwanden.
We shed light on the history of the canton from an economic perspective. You will find exhibitions on the development of Therma, the Glarus Factory Act, early globalization and the global initiative today, which shows that global production is both present and future in the canton of Glarus.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Glarner Wirtschaftsarchiv
Mühleareal 20 / 2
8762 Schwanden GL


The Glarus Economic Archives are often occupied. Please contact us at any time. We will be happy to advise you and will schedule visits and guided tours immediately whenever possible.

The Glarus Economic Archives are open every last Saturday of the month from 14.00-17.00 without prior appointment.


Single admission:
Adults: CHF 5.00
Reduced*: CHF 3.00
* Children, pupils, students

Guided tours:
for groups of up to 15 people: CHF 100.00 + admission per person
for groups up to 30 persons: CHF 200.00 + admission per person


Glarner Wirtschaftsarchiv
Mühleareal 20
8762 Schwanden GL Süd
055 654 13 01


  • Museum

Target groups

  • Also recommended for children


  • Trade / Craft


  • Shop


  • Parking space
